Third generation of the deathtime program

In the interest of reliability no point value ('mean value') for the resulting time since death is output.
Exclusively the offered period since death is calculated on the basis of 95% confidence limits or ranges of variation of the included methods/criteria.

After assisted entering of the data required for the nomogram method the period since death is displayed.
The file can be printed, saved and completed by subsequent amendments.

The program always begins by retrieving the requested data of the temperature-based nomogram method.
After entering the nomogram required data no more non-temperature-based methods/criteria are requested than those that could reduce
or confirm the brackets of the preliminary displayed temperature-based period since death.
However, any requested temperature-based and/or non-temperature-based methods can also be ignored.

In addition to or instead of the temperature-based nomogram method any other of the methods/criteria involved can be examined at will.

The involved methods are practicable at the scene.

All inputs can be saved in a special database and may later displayed, modified or printed.

The small integrated textprogram allow the attechment of additional information.

Context-sensitive helpscreens support the examiner's investigation if requiered.